Doğan Holding Announced its 2013 Financial Results


Doğan Holding Announced its 2013 Financial Results

10.03.2014Total consolidated revenues in 2013 increased by 8% yoy to TL 3,301mn. Consolidated EBITDA was TL264mn in 2013; while EBITDA margin was 8.0%. Share of loss on investments accounted by equity method was TL106mn in 2013, due to high fx losses and financial expenses. Operating Profit increased by 23% and reached TL301 mn, thanks to fx gains on cash holdings. Net Income/Expenses from investment activities was TL105 mn in 2013, vs. TL205 mn attained in 2012 which included Hürriyet’s asset sale that took place last year. Due to TL’s weakness in 2013, Net Financial Expenses was TL455mn vs. TL131 mn in 2012. As a result of higher net financial expenses, net loss (attributable to equity holders) realized at TL38mn in 2013.

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