Summary Financials

TL thousand 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017* 2016* 2015* 2014
Sales 16.586.429 10.767.694 13.253.580 12.146.438 7.738.622 7.754.572 5.951.038 3.543.263
Gross Profit 2.438.723 1.286.070 1.085.871 1.014.526 507.302 1.278.168 1.026.727 790.208
Gross Profit Margin (%) 14,7 11,9 8,1 8,4 6,6 16,5 17,3 22,3
Operating Expenses 1.135.768 723.047 713.078 641.951 519.286 1.080.951 939.013 858.856
Operating Profit / Loss 2.258.058 563.023 362.793 372.575 -11.984 197.217 87.714 -68.648
EBITDA 1.714.695 898.866 678.750 603.361 559.439 482.818 346.780 178.811
EBITDA Margin (%) 10,3 8,3 5,1 5,0 7,2 6,2 5,8 5,0
Net Profit / Loss - Attributable to Equity Holders 2.828.476 1.390.240 616.789 3.633.096 -323.199 -219.223 -160.820 -224.970
Total Assets 22.294.738 13.693.203 11.240.591 10.949.810 10.577.852 9.401.449 7.869.320 6.877.335
Shareholders' Equity 14.319.68 9.378.237 7.631.340 7.001.891 3.352.869 3.671.441 3.463.093 2.909.850
Issued Capital 2.616.938 2.616.938 2.616.938 2.616.938 2.616.938 2.616.938 2.616.938 2.616.938
Employee - Total 4.019 3.533 3.250 3.232 8.247 8.635 8.678 10.298
Domestic 3.691 3.225 2.955 2.952 7.715 7.724 7.547 7.683
International 328 308 295 280 532 911 1.131 2.615
Liquidity Ratios                
Current Ratio



2,47 2,35 0,95 1,40 1,47 1,90
Acid Test Ratio 1,71 2,56 2,25 2,13 0,83 1,24 1,33 1,77
Debt / Equity Ratio 0,56 0,46 0,47 0,56 2,15 1,40 1,27 1,36

* Restated financials

EBITDA is calculated by the Company: Before other operating income and expenses and adjusted by
IAS 39 Amortized Valuation Income and Program Rights Amortization


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