Capital Magazine held a “Rich in Heart” survey, and an awards ceremony, a first in Turkey, whereby businessmen contributing to charity culture were named. The foundations of the “50 Turkish Businessmen Rich in Heart”, prepared by Capital accessing all major groups and companies in Turkey, were laid in a survey. Chairmen and chairwomen joined the survey on behalf of their companies or groups. The ranking was based on the answers in survey to the questions “The total of your donations in the last 10 years”, and “the total of your donations in 2012”. Taking into account the donations for 2012, and those for the last 10 years, the companies that donated the most in Turkey were in the following order: Koç Holding, Bilkent Holding, Fiba Holding, Doğuş Holding, Opet, Anadolu Endüstri Holding, Boydak Holding, Doğan Holding, Acıbadem, and Altınbaş Holding. Eczacıbaşı Holding received a special award.