Material Event Disclosure (General)


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Material Event Disclosure General
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The Board of Directors has resolved on 11.02.2022 (today) to appoint Derviş Ardıç, currently the Capital Markets Compliance Director, as Investor Relations Manager and Corporate Governance Committee Member to perform the duties specified in Article 11 “Investor Relations Department” of the Capital Markets Board’s (“CMB”) Corporate Governance Communiqué No. II-17.1, published in the Official Gazette No. 28871 dated 03.01.2014.


We proclaim that our above disclosure is in conformity with the principles set down in “Material Events Communiqué” of Capital Markets Board, and it fully reflects all information coming to our knowledge on the subject matter thereof, and it is in conformity with our books, records and documents, and all reasonable efforts have been shown by our Company in order to obtain all information fully and accurately about the subject matter thereof, and we’re personally liable for the disclosures.

The English version is a convenience translation. In case of a discrepancy between the Turkish and the English versions of this disclosure, the Turkish version will prevail.

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